Dental Care Services for Pets

Consistent oral care, with regular brushing and routine cleanings, is key for preventing issues.

Dental care is often neglected in pets. The American Veterinary Dental Society reports that 70% of cats and 80% of dogs show serious signs of gum disease by the age of three. The most common disease among cats and dogs is gum/ periodontal disease. Gum disease doesn’t only affect the mouth, it can affect other organs such as the heart, kidneys and liver. Luckily, most of the problems your pet can develop are easily preventable with proper dental care. For this reason, our veterinarians always encourage education for pet owners.

What is gum disease in pets?

Periodontal disease in pets comes from bacteria. Immediately after your pet eats, saliva, bacteria, and other particles begin to form a sticky film called plaque over their teeth. If their teeth aren’t brushed every day the bacteria multiplies. In order to combat the bacteria, white blood cells release enzymes that break down gum tissue. This results in inflamed gums and destroyed tissues that can lead to tooth loss.

My pet has really bad breath. Should I be concerned about dental disease?

Yes, bad breath is a sign of dental disease in pets. You can also look out for

  • Excessive drooling
  • Red, swollen or bleeding gums
  • Sneezing and nasal discharge
  • Yellow/ brown buildup on the teeth (tartar)
  • Chewing on one side of the mouth
  • Loose teeth

If you notice any of these in your pets, you should schedule a dental appointment. We are available at 204-452-9010.

How can I take better care of my pet’s oral health?

By practicing good oral hygiene with your pets, you are keeping them healthy and preventing further health problems.

  • To ensure your pet’s teeth are healthy we recommend brushing. It might be difficult in the beginning, but once your pet gets accustomed it will fit right into their daily routine. You should only use a toothbrush and toothpaste made specifically for pets, as anything else could harm them. Our veterinarians and assistants are happy to show you how to properly brush your pet’s teeth and will help you develop a dental routine.
  • Avoid play toys, objects or even treats that can harm your pet’s teeth. Examples include real bones, cow hooves, and tennis balls as these can be too hard to chew on.
  • You can also give your pets treats that clean their teeth. Our veterinarians can happily recommend specific treats with medicinal benefits.

What dental services does your hospital offer?

Here at Fort Garry Veterinary Hospital our veterinarians are licensed and experienced in performing dental care for pets. We do our best to make your loyal companion relaxed during each procedure. We recommend your pet has at least one dental assessment each year. Our hospital offers: regular dental cleanings, dental assessments, dental surgery, removal of tartar buildup, periodontal (gum) disease treatment and extractions.

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