Weight Management for Pets

Our weight management program will help your pet maintain a healthy weight.

A common error among pet owners is over feeding their pets. Although you mean well, leaving out your pet’s foods can result in health risks for your furry friend. Currently over 50% of pets suffer from obesity. Proper feeding habits and the right foods will keep your pet at a healthy weight. You can trust us to properly evaluate your pet’s condition so they remain in good shape all their life. Call us at 204-452-9010 to schedule an appointment for your pet’s weight management.

What happens if my pet is overweight?

Pets that are overweight generally have reduced energy. They will become less active as their organs work overtime to function. Overweight pets often have:

  • Diabetes
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Cancer
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Urinary bladder stones

My pet is overweight, how can I get them to a healthy weight?

If your pet is already overweight, we recommend working with our veterinarians to determine your pet’s ideal healthy weight and create a plan to achieve it. You control what and how much your pet eats, and by following your veterinarian’s instructions your pet will get to a healthy weight. Your veterinarian may recommend changes such as:

  • Exercise – In order to burn calories your veterinarian may recommend aerobic/ high-cardio activities like swimming and running.
  • Special diets/ nutrition – This could include special foods that provide the right amount of fibre, protein and antioxidants. A veterinarian may also recommend you reduce or remove certain foods from your pet’s diet.
  • Schedule meal times – The practice of leaving out food for pets to eat does more harm than good. With scheduled meal times, your pet is less likely to consume more than they need.
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